《天堂任务天路历程》影片介绍:A regal man named Vangel is thrust on a journey against his will when he is mysteriously arrested and begins to have strange visions of a woman in white. Armed with an ancient book that he receives from a wise sage, his adventure begins....《天堂任务天路历程》影片介绍:A regal man named Vangel is thrust on a journey against his will when he is mysteriously arrested and begins to have strange visions of a woman in white. Armed with an ancient book that he receives from a wise sage, his adventure begins....详情
/Philip Granger/Toshi Toda/宝田明/森田友希/Shelley Sweeney/久保明/Peggy Neal/Robert Scott Field/萤雪次朗/Francisco de Borja De la Bella/小林夕岐子/Inge Murata/Yoshiro Uchida/Ippei ?sako/Norman England/